Vegan Bodybuilding & FitnessOkay, so i have NO intentions of becoming a bodybuilder. It's not that i don't think i could do it, it's just that the bodybuilder body type is not what i'm going for. But i knew i'd heard about vegetarian bodybuilders before, so i knew there had to be something somewhere. And this site has some great tips and info for vegans who are into bodybuilding and fitness. Naturally, if you're vegetarian but not vegan (like me), you can still find some great info. Check out the Articles section for tips on bodybuilding, nutrition, and training.
*My coach is John Cowart – check out his site, Where's My SixPack? If you're thinking of doing P90X or one of the other BeachBody programs, you can sign up on his "Make Me Your Coach" link to have him coach you too.
Keep up the great work. I know you will rock this.