Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Dear P90X Diary,

Today i feel good. For a few reasons:

  1. Today was X-Stretch. No jumping, lifting, running, pulling (well we did pull ourselves around quite a bit). Today was about keeping my body in condition to keep working. A nice change, and i'm glad i did it.
  2. I found a few calorie-tracking apps for iPhone that i'm trying out. That should help me be less concerned about losing count of calories during this first phase and let me keep up with my eating.
  3. I did a full week of P90X!!! Okay, so that's burying the lead a little, but i saved the best for last. Day seven means one complete set of exercises for this phase of the program. Starting tomorrow, i do it all again, but this time i'll know exactly what i'm in for. And the best thing about that is i have a better idea of where i can push more for the next couple of weeks. 
So that's the good news. Stretching. Calorie counting. Accomplishing.

Yeah. I can do this...


  1. One week down! Please tell us how you celebrate, you know, if it's not too scandalous ... or even if it is *LOL!*

  2. Keep it up!
    I am rooting for you from way up in Boston!

  3. SWWWEEEETTT!!!! FIRST WEEK DOWN! GO MAN GO! Once you get your calories down for a bit, counting becomes second nature and it's not such a chore. Keep going malik!


Your turn to weigh in...